
5th June 2024

£50,000 offered to community groups in Kirkby

Charities and community groups across Kirkby are being invited to apply for a share of £50,000 as part of the Kirkby Neighbourhood Community Fund, which is now open for 2024 applications.

Funding is available for wellbeing projects aimed at improving the community or the environment within the areas of Northwood, Cherryfield, Shevington, Whitefield or Prescot North. The areas neighbour Knowsley Rail Transfer Station, which is operated by SUEZ recycling and recovery UK on behalf of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA).

Victoria Crabtree, Regional Manager for SUEZ recycling and recovery UK, said: “I am delighted to once again declare the Kirkby Neighbourhood Community Fund open for applications. Every year we’re astounded by what the groups achieve with the funding and the benefit that it brings to the local community. I’m excited to see the applications this year and I’d encourage all not-for-profit, community groups, schools and charities to apply so that together we can make a longer-term difference.”

Now in its seventh year, the fund was set up as part of an agreement between Merseyside Energy Recovery Limited (MERL) – of which SUEZ is a shareholder – and MRWA. Household residual waste from across Merseyside and Halton is transported from Knowsley Rail Transfer Station for energy generation, with 10p for every tonne of waste transported donated to the fund each year. It is an integral part of putting people and the planet at the forefront of the local communities that we serve.

Last year, 11 projects successfully applied for funding, with projects ranging from mental health services to improved sports facilities, foodbanks and community allotments.

The deadline for this year’s applications is Friday 26 July 2024.

Further details about the fund, last year’s winners, and the application forms and guidance notes can be found at

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